Command-line Operation

You can control the client without using the controller program.
This is useful method for a batch file and scheduled task.

You can use the follwing commands as Command-line operation.

  Release Lock

  Wake up






  Message with reply


  Close Window

The command-line operation require the Command-line program (MAuto.exe) and a Script File.
MAuto.exe" is stored in the folder in which the controller was installed.
A Script File
is created by manipulating the controller. (Record the operations.)

Create a Script File
To create
a Script File, follow the procedue below.
Start the controller program[Misete.exe].

Click [Record] button to start record
ing. The [Record] button changes to [Cancel] button.
Select the client in the list.

Of course, you can select more than one client and wake them up simultaneously.

Click a button to execute.When the button is [Message] , [Messae/reply] , [Command] or [Close Window] , you should input a sentence to send.

The following dialog box is opened to save a Script File.

Input a file name within 8 bytes and click [Save] button. (Do not add file extension)
The Script File is saved
in the folder in which the controller was installed. At this time , the file extension [.dat] is added automatically to the file name.
One Script File is able to handle only one command. If you want to execute more than one command continuously , you have to create each script file.

On recording , the command of the button you clicked is not sent to the client. (Just only for the recording)

Execute a Script File
To execute
a Script File, follow the procedue below.
Input a command-line in the following format in [MS-DOS Prompt].

  MAuto.exe ScriptFileName

One space is required between "MAuto.exe" and "ScriptFileName". You must input the exact file name (with file extension).

Example : C:
\Progra~1\007\Misete\MAuto.exe Wakeup.dat ( folder name must be DOS-Name).

You must close the controller program , when you use MAuto.exe. You can not run them at the same time.

You can not move "MAuto.exe" to other folders and run it there. "MAuto.exe" must be run in the original place.